Faculty Publications (2018-2019)

S.No Name of Faculty Name of Conference Type of Conference Title of Paper Dates Host Institution
1 Ch. Anuradha Third International Conference on Electrical,Electronics,c ommunication Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) International Block Consecutive Minimization Method with Wireless Energy Harvesting Relays 14-12-2018 & 15-12-2018 GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru.

Faculty Participation in Journals(2018-2019)

S.No Name of Faculty Name of Journal Type of Journal Title of Paper Dates
1 Y. Vijaya International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) International Automatic Identification and Classification of Allergic Skin Disorders using Deep Pattern Recognition Neural Networks June-2018
2 Y.V.K.D. Bhavani International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering. International A Secure Architecture Control for Information sharing in Online social Networks Aug-2018
3 CH. Anuradha International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) International Adaboost with future selection using IOT to bring the paths for somatic Mutations Evaluation in Cancer 03-11-2018
4 CH. Anuradha International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJEAT) International Improved Classification of Somatic Mutations Using Adaboost with feature selection January-2019
5 CH. Anuradha International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE) International Adaboost Ensemble Classifier for Identification of Somatic Mutations January-2019

Workshops Conducted by IT Department(2018-2019)

S.No Name of Workshop Dates Name of Institution/Organization Name of Resource Person
1 Python Programming 25-04-2018 To 09-05-2018 APSSDC APSSDC
2 Soft Skills 10-12-2018 To 28-02-2019 APSSDC APSSDC

Faculty Participation in Workshop(2018-2019)

S.No Name of Faculty Name of Workshop Dates Name of Institution/Org Name of Resource Person
1 Y. Vijaya Signal Processing using DEEP LEARNING Application 10-06-2019 To 15-06-2019 NIT, Warangal E&ICT Academy
2 Y.V.K.D. Bhavani Signal Processing using DEEP LEARNING Application 10-06-2019 To 15-06-2019 NIT, Warangal E&ICT Academy